
Kentucky Fried Chicken, Boiled Eggs, Lollypops, Springtime, Telephone, Computer Mouse, Dogs, Math-books, Family, Doctor-Who, Camara, Paper, Karate Kid, Apple, Calendar, Money, Glass Jar, DVD, Desk, Ravioli, Spinach, Mouse, Mona-Vie, Sticky-Notes, Babies, Horse, Book, Song, Piano, Yellow Bird, Elmo, Big Squishy Chairs, Love notes, Rocks, Percy Jackson, Plugs, MSG, Laptop containers, Printers, Stake Dances, Ice Cream, The Anatomy of Peace, Pickles, Siblings, Musical Theater, Emailing, Broken Trust, Carpet Bags, Push Pops, Folders, Avocado, Salt Lake City, Cousins, Scissors, Inside-Jokes, Running, Youth Conference, BFFs, My life, Silly Jacob DeHut, SEUSS!, Rain, Light bulbs, Check lists, Twinkie's, My Strongest Suit, BFF's, Martin Luther, Jeans, Katniss, Broadway, Bishop Bean, Youth Conference, Promptings, Essays, Practice Scholar, Brothers, Halloween BOOsical, Magi, Ribbon, Doughnuts, Sheet Music, Heissen, Worms, Red blinking lights, Trucks being flipped over, Pushup pens and scholar pens!, Scrap-booking, Dancing in the rain;), Yellow Card, AWESOME MUSIC, Watching fun movies about music summer schools with awesome friends, My REALLY soft hair, Grenade .... I'll write more later... :D

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

My Mothers Misfortune. :P

The past few days have been crazy!

General Conference was Amazing!!! I have never been really excited for it and actually applied the words to myself. (I know.. Badly done Emma.. :D). I simply loved it. I loved the way Elder Holland spoke nd I have alway loved President Uchtdorf's talks. He is an amazing speaker. (And he's from Germany!)

Alright, Sunday evening we had our cousins over for Easter dinner. Nothing wrong with that right? Well, a few minutes before they got to our house my sister was shaking a jar full of Chia and I was in my room reading a book. (The Lightning Thief :D) My sister dropped the jar and it shattered on my mom's leg. She got a pretty deep gash and they (my mom and dad) headed straight for the hospital. They called my aunt and uncle to say they wouldn't be there but they could still come over. So we ate dinner without them. When they got home we heard the news. She had 7 staples. :P They were there for about an hour.. She had to have 6 shots IN her leg to numb it... yuck.

Here are some picture I stole from McKenna.. :D :

(I can barely look at it... :P)

Anyways... Eventful Easter. :D


P.S. Bad things always happen on sundays! LOL


Abe Fox said...

Ahhh-HAH.....I have found you, Emma!!

I am going to link your blog to the Abe & Betsy Blog if that is O.K.

I hope your Mom's leg isn't too painful during the recovery process. Take good care of her.



Abe Fox said...

Where is the comment that I thought that I posted just a minute ago??

Abe Fox said...

Anyhoo....Ahhhh-HAH.....I have found your Blog, Emma! I have linked to your blog on the Abe & Betsy Blog, if that is OK?

Hope your Mom isn't in too much pain from that sliced up leg. Take good care of her.



Emmalyn said...

Thats Totally OK!
I love you Uncle Abe! I'm so happy that you found me.. I was beginning to give up blogging because nobody would post! (Just Kidding.. :D)

Trust me... we've been taking Good care of her.. (bwah ha ha ... lol)

Love ya!

Emmerdoodles the Second.

Abe Fox said...

Hey Emma.....Faith is right here with me and she says "Hi.....I love you.....I want to play wiff you....ummm....I want to take a picture wiff you....that is all."